Monday, September 6, 2010

Thoughts on Stephen Hawking's New Book - The Grand Design

I greatly respect Stephen Hawking for presenting perspectives on physics that few have seen or understood.  I do not yet have a copy of his new book, The Grand Design, (mine's on order), but from the many news stories circulating, I have a few questions.

News story: Claims by leading physicist Stephen Hawking that God had no role in the creation of the universe. 
Drew: My question is: "How many scientists were there at the beginning, creation or Big Bang to observe that God was not there?"  

News story: In his new book "The Grand Design," Britain's most famous scientist says that given the existence of gravity, "the universe can and will create itself from nothing," according to an excerpt published in The Times of London.  
Drew: My questions are: "Where did gravity come from?  Did gravity create itself from nothing or was gravity created by someone or something outside of itself?   What if gravity were absent from the universe, would the universe still be able to self-create?"   Using your same reasoning that because gravity exists, the universe will create itself from nothing, could I assume that if pine trees exist, my house will self-create without the intervention of a homebuilder? 
Since I was not there when it was built, is it safe for me to assume that my house was self-created ?   

News story: "Spontaneous creation is the reason why there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," he wrote.
Drew: Is there anything else that follows the pattern of 'Spontaneous creation' such as a book, a building, a computer system, a news channel, a mountain, or a super-nova?   My premise is that we do not observe anything today that comes from nothing, therefore how can we assume the origins of the universe came from nothing?  How can anyone establish that 'Spontaneous creation' is a correct reality?

Some Additional Thoughts:
You may not think it is neccessary for God to exist, but who or what set the laws of the universe in motion and who enforces them?   If the laws of the universe are random or not enforced, then how could an electron on earth be the same as an electron on the nearest star?   Astronomers assume that electrons behave the same on earth as they do on a far star when measuring the light spectrums.  Is this a correct assumption?

Ponder the following verse, "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork." (Psalms 19:1)

If you are looking for resources to help you pursue your own study on this topic, the following are a few examples of Bible Study tools available at Olive Tree to enhance your Mobile Bible Study.

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